
a.k.a. “Penfield Town Center”

Stance: Opposed

Size: 51.3 acres

Address: 1767, 1775, 1781, 1787, 1801 and 1810 Fairport Nine Mile Point Road, Penfield, NY 14526

Town Link:

Status: Withdrawn, developer expects to resubmit

A consortium of developers calling themselves “Penfield NY Partners LLC” has proposed the development of a vast project spanning both sides of Fairport Nine Mile Point Rd. (rt. 250) at the corner of Sweets Corners Rd. Most of this area is slated for the construction of a Costco wholesale warehouse with gas station. Though the developer disingenuously describes this project as “Mixed Use”, their plan explicitly calls for rezoning to a Planned Development District, thereby eating away at a cornerstone of Penfield’s Comprehensive Plan.

Preserve Penfield was founded in response to this proposal. We have and shall continue to oppose this project by every means at our disposal.



Why do we oppose this project? These are our key points:


  • NY Rt. 250 is already close to capacity at peak hours

  • Costco would draw traffic from most of the surrounding towns

  • Costco would require many daily deliveries via large trucks

  • Impact of other approved but unbuilt projects in this corridor has not been assessed


  • Parcel is currently zoned for Mixed Use Development (MUD), a designation for integrated uses that encourages non-vehicular traffic and creates opportunity for local businesses (Learn more in the town’s MUD manual)

  • Developer’s plan calls for rezoning to a Planned Development district, which would give enormous leeway to build in ways that exploit the town

  • The current MUD zoning is a cornerstone of the town’s Comprehensive Plan, a long term vision for the future of the town developed over many years by an apolitical committee of civic minded volunteers. Adherence to this plan is legally mandated in many areas of the Town Code.

Town Character

  • Community character is defined in general terms and specifically for Penfield on page 50 of the Comprehensive Plan. The town’s commitment to character is stated in no uncertain terms:

It is the policy of the Town to manage investment and development in a manner that enhances the character of the community for future generations to enjoy. Penfield’s existing character is defined by its man-made and natural landscape such as its neighborhoods, streets, business districts, parks and open spaces.

  • First among the listed strategies within the Plan to maintain community character is:

Develop attractive, inviting, and pedestrian-oriented activity centers, streets, and other spaces.

  • As such, a warehouse-style, “Big Box” development cannot be said to be in line with the desired community character, and therefore cannot be said to be in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan, as required by Town Code.


  • This development would be sure to draw traffic from all over Eastern Monroe County, and likely even neighboring counties. Such a substantial increase in noise, light, and exhaust pollution is simply unacceptable.

  • The proposed site is adjacent to wetlands, and partially atop a state-recognized buffer zone surrounding the wetlands. Contamination of ground and surface water from salt, refuse, and leaking vehicle fluids is certain to damage the wetland ecosystem and contaminate the local water table.

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