Stance: Opposed
Size: 2.15 acres
Address: 2051 Fairport Nine Mile Point Road, Penfield, NY 14526
Town Link:
Status: Tabled
A shell corporation called “No Look Landing LLC” has proposed the construction of a Chick-fil-A fast food drive through in Parkside Commons plaza on Fairport Nine Mile Point Rd. (rt. 250), at the site of the former Gymnastics Center. This site is at the far edge of a Limited Business district, which is intended to act as a lower-impact commercial buffer between residential and commercial uses. It is adjacent to Harris Whalen park and across the street from a daycare and an assisted living facility.
Why do we oppose this project? These are our key points:
Public Safety
NY Rt. 250 is already close to capacity at peak hours, and Chick-fil-A is legendary for their traffic draw
Chick-fil-A would draw more traffic along driveways within Parkside Commons that are already dangerous for pedestrians and those parking at other businesses
Parcel is in a Limited Business zone with an added Overlay, both of which explicitly forbid construction of drive-through restaurants. The development would require a Use Variance; i.e. special permission to build something that has long since been deemed unsuitable for this location by the town.
The project requests area variances requesting permission to place structures much closer to the adjoining property than is allowed and to place a drive through lane (certain to be full during operating hours) much closer to a public park than is allowed.
The developer requests signage variances to allow a pylon sign 2-1/2 times larger than allowed and 4X as many wall signs as allowed.
Town Character
Community character is defined in general terms and specifically for Penfield on page 50 of the Comprehensive Plan. The town’s commitment to character is stated in no uncertain terms:
It is the policy of the Town to manage investment and development in a manner that enhances the character of the community for future generations to enjoy. Penfield’s existing character is defined by its man-made and natural landscape such as its neighborhoods, streets, business districts, parks and open spaces.
First among the listed strategies within the Plan to maintain community character is:
Develop attractive, inviting, and pedestrian-oriented activity centers, streets, and other spaces.
A business that discourages anything other than moving vehicle traffic, and which would be plastered with signs and branding, does not fit the desired community character, and therefore cannot be said to be in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan, as required by Town Code.
This development would be sure to draw traffic from much of the surrounding area. Such a substantial increase in noise, light, and exhaust pollution is simply unacceptable.
The proposed site is adjacent to a public park and forest area enjoyed by residents for its serenity and natural beauty. A queue of idling vehicles waiting in line for chicken will undoubtedly detract heavily from the community’s enjoyment of these resources.