Want to support our mission? Want to stay updated on developments in Penfield? Want to become more engaged in local politics?
Here are some ways that you can help out, even if you cannot join our organization:
1) Follow, like and share! Check out our Facebook page and Instagram.
2) Sign the petition against the proposed apartments in Willow Ponds here. Learn more about this project and other Developments to Watch here.
3) Talk to your friends and neighbors! Want pamphlets/flyers or other materials, let us know at info@preservepenfield.org.
3) Learn about the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Laws, the process to approve development in Penfield, and more under our Understanding Penfield page.
4) Learn more about the impact of large-scale development on communities under our Learn More page.
5) Read on below to stay up to date on all important upcoming town meetings and learn how you can make your voice heard.
5) If you have time to dedicate to our organization, whether it be through helping us canvas, joining us to prepare statements for town meetings, or even joining our executive board, then please Join Us! None of our work is possible without the efforts of engaged and passionate residents.
In short: Be Informed and Share the Word!
Upcoming Town Meetings
The best way to stay informed and make your voice heard is by attending and participating in Town meetings. These selected meetings are key to our mission; you can find the full calendar of town meetings here.
For meetings that accept public participation, you can do so in person at the Town Hall, by calling in at (585) 340-8771, or through online submissions. Please note that each board/committee has specific protocols for submitting statements pre/post-meeting, which have all been outlined here.
At any time in the review process on development applications to the Town (Property Under Review), you can share your comments and concerns here or by emailing planning@penfield.org.
September 12 - Energy and Environmental Conservation Committee Meeting
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Town Hall Auditorium (3100 Atlantic Avenue)
This is a regularly scheduled meeting for the EECC. This meeting is open for public observation, not participation.
The agenda has not yet been posted.
Learn about the EECC and see past agendas and minutes.
September 12 - Planning Board Meeting (Chick-fil-A Sketch Plan Public Hearing)
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Town Hall Auditorium (3100 Atlantic Avenue)
This is a regularly scheduled meeting for the Planning Board. During the meeting, public participation will be accepted under the board's agenda.
See the notice of the Public Hearing here, which includes a Sketch Plan discussion for a Chick-fil-A restaurant at the former gymnastics center.
Learn about the Planning Board and see past agendas and minutes.
September 17 - Transportation Committee
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Town Hall Auditorium (3100 Atlantic Avenue)
This is a regularly scheduled meeting for the Transportation Committee. This meeting is open for public observation, not participation.
The agenda has not yet been posted.
Learn about the Transportation Committee and see past agendas and minutes.
September 18 - Town Board Work Session Meeting
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Town Hall Auditorium (3100 Atlantic Avenue)
This is a regularly scheduled Work Session for the Town Board. This meeting is open for public observation, not participation.
The agenda has not yet been posted.
Learn about the Town Board and see past agendas and minutes.
September 19 - Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
5:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Town Hall Auditorium (3100 Atlantic Avenue)
This is a regularly scheduled meeting for the Zoning Board of Appeals. During the meeting, public participation will be accepted under the board's agenda.
The agenda is available here.
Learn about the Zoning Board of Appeals and see past agendas and minutes.