Questions Related to the ‘Penfield Town Center’/Costco Development that Penfield Official Must Answer
Specifically, how has the Town addressed the recommendations from the 2008 Traffic Study regarding Rt. 250?
What did the Rt. 250 Traffic Analysis (done by outside consultants in 2022) show about the possible staged “build out” of Rt. 250, and over how long a time period? Did it take into account a mega-retailer like Costco rather than a conventional Mixed-Use Development?
How do the Town and Costco anticipate that traffic will be manageable considering there are NO examples of Costco stores on the East coast without contiguous access to a four-lane highway?
Where are the traffic volume calculations of the combined impact of the Arbors (250 & Atlantic), Costco, and the proposed apartments on the west side of Rt. 250 added to existing traffic?
What will the physical impact on the roadways be with a steady flow of large tractor trailers in addition to the drastically higher vehicular traffic?
Have our fire safety experts been consulted?
Can our Ambulance service manage what is planned considering, as of early 2024, we are also supporting Webster’s ambulance needs?
Have law enforcement, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, been consulted to consider the impact of this development since Penfield does not have its own force?
The land in question has been designated in the past two Comprehensive Plans (2010 & 2023) as best serving our community as Mixed Use Development (MUD). It has been zoned as MUD for years. Why does the Planning Board wish to violate the commitments made over many years and reaffirmed as recently as the 2023 Comp Plan?
Has the Eastside YMCA been asked for input?
Have residents of Ashley Woods been consulted?
What discussions have occurred regarding tax breaks or PILOT agreements?
Do our residents understand the short and longer-term impacts for PILOT agreements on Town and School budgets and related school tax caps?
Are residents apprised of related cases – Guilderland (an Albany suburb), for example, where an 8-year legal fight resulted in millions in tax breaks (approved by their IDA) as well as the use of eminent domain?
Are corporate tax breaks Penfield’s responsibility so our town can become a thoroughfare for eastside communities to have access to cheaper gas?
What happens to the value of nearby residential properties when they suddenly become “neighbors” with a big box store and its impacts?
Where is a financial cost benefit analysis comparing a proper MUD to a Costco over various time periods?
What environmental studies have been done?
Pollution in many forms will result from an enterprise like Costco and its many large trucks and customer traffic: air (ozone and particulate), noise, light, and potentially water.
Has the town’s Energy, Environment, & Conservation Committee (EECC) been allowed to weigh in on this proposal?
Do residents understand that there is an adjacent wetland?
What environmental implications exist for gas storage considering Costco sells 5% of the gas nationwide?
At what point did conversations with Town officials begin? Did any take place before those now in office were elected?
Have all conflicts of interest on the part of town representatives been disclosed?
Does the town have an ongoing process for documenting conflicts of interest? If not, why not?
Has the Town considered instituting a moratorium on all development until the implications for the Arbors at Penfield are well understood (traffic, specifically), failure to comply with Mixed-Use Zoning at Ashley Woods, and other issues are understood?
What precedent does Penfield set by granting tax breaks or spot zoning?